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Diaz HMorales, Mejares E, Newman-Smith E, Smith WC.  2015.  ACAM, a novel member of the neural IgCAM family, mediates anterior neural tube closure in a primitive chordate. Developmental Biology.
Yang AHJ, H Soh T.  2012.  Acoustophoretic sorting of viable mammalian cells in a microfluidic device. Analytical chemistry. 84:10756–10762.
Torres AYurani, Nano M, Campanale JP, Deak S, Montell DJ.  2023.  Activated Src kinase promotes cell cannibalism in Drosophila. Journal of Cell Biology. 222:e202302076.
Reinig MR, Novack SW, Tao X, Ermini F, Bentolila LA, Roberts DG, MacKenzie-Graham A, Godshalk SE, Raven MA, Kubby J.  2016.  Adaptive optics microscopy enhances image quality in deep layers of CLARITY processed brains of YFP-H mice. SPIE, Clinical and Translational Neurophotonics; Neural Imaging and Sensing; and Optogenetics and Optical Manipulation. 9690
Chou C-S, Moore TI, Nie Q, Yi T-M.  2014.  Alternative cell polarity behaviours arise from changes in G-protein spatial dynamics.
Do TD, de Almeida NEC, LaPointe NE, Chamas A, Feinstein SC, Bowers MT.  2016.  Amino Acid Metaclusters: Implications of Growth Trends on Peptide Self-Assembly and Structure.. Anal Chem. 88(1):868-76.
Do TD, LaPointe NE, Nelson R, Krotee P, Hayden EY, Ulrich B, Quan S, Feinstein SC, Teplow DB, Eisenberg D et al..  2016.  Amyloid β-Protein C-Terminal Fragments: Formation of Cylindrins and β-Barrels. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 138(2)
Rodriguez D, Sanders EN, Farell K, Langenbacher AD, Taketa DA, Hopper MRae, Kennedy M, Gracey A, De Tomaso AW.  2014.  Analysis of the basal chordate Botryllus schlosseri reveals a set of genes associated with fertility. BMC genomics. 15:1183.
Azarenko O, Smiyun G, Mah J, Wilson L, Jordan MAnn.  2014.  Antiproliferative Mechanism of Action of the Novel Taxane Cabazitaxel as Compared with the Parent Compound Docetaxel in MCF7 Breast Cancer Cells. American Association for Cancer Research. 13:2092–2103.
Hu C, Huang Y, Wu L, Zhao H, Soo CPac, Lian Q, Ma D.  2021.  Apoptosis and necroptosis occur in the different brain regions of hippocampus in a rat model of hypoxia asphyxia. International Journal of Neuroscience. 131:843-853.
Chen R, Braun GB, Luo X, Sugahara KN, Teesalu T, Ruoslahti E.  2013.  Application of a proapoptotic peptide to intratumorally spreading cancer therapy. Cancer research. 73:1352–1361.
Wonder EA, Ewert KK, Liu C, Steffes VM, Kwak J, Qahar V, Majzoub RN, Zhang Z, Carragher B, Potter CS et al..  2020.  Assembly of Building Blocks by Double-End-Anchored Polymers in the Dilute Regime Mediated by Hydrophobic Interactions at Controlled Distances. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 12:45728-45743.
Copp SM, Schultz DE, Swasey S, Gwinn EG.  2015.  Atomically Precise Arrays of Fluorescent Silver Clusters: A Modular Approach for Metal Cluster Photonics on DNA Nanostructures. ACS nano.
