
Found 210 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Dow LP, Khankhel AH, Abram J, Valentine MT.  2020.  3D-printable cell crowding device enables imaging of live cells in compression. BioTechniques. :null.
Wonder EA, Ewert KK, Liu C, Steffes VM, Kwak J, Qahar V, Majzoub RN, Zhang Z, Carragher B, Potter CS et al..  2020.  Assembly of Building Blocks by Double-End-Anchored Polymers in the Dilute Regime Mediated by Hydrophobic Interactions at Controlled Distances. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 12:45728-45743.
Vaidya B, Kulkarni NS, Shukla SK, Parvathaneni V, Chauhan G, Damon JK, Sarode A, Garcia JV, Kunda N, Mitragotri S et al..  2020.  Development of inhalable quinacrine loaded bovine serum albumin modified cationic nanoparticles: Repurposing quinacrine for lung cancer therapeutics. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 577:118995.
Bernstein JH, Filippidi E, J. Waite H, Valentine MT.  2020.  Effects of sea water pH on marine mussel plaque maturation. Soft Matter. 16:9339-9346.
Lin Y, Fichou Y, Zeng Z, Hu NY, Han S.  2020.  Electrostatically Driven Complex Coacervation and Amyloid Aggregation of Tau Are Independent Processes with Overlapping Conditions. ACS Chemical Neuroscience. 11:615-627.
Kassmer SH, Rodriguez D, De Tomaso AW.  2020.  Evidence that ABC transporter-mediated autocrine export of an eicosanoid signaling molecule enhances germ cell chemotaxis in the colonial tunicate Botryllus schlosseri. Development. 147
Beach S, Grundeen S, Doyle A, Theogarajan L.  2020.  Fabrication and validation of flexible 3D pillar electrodes for neural electrophysiological recording. Engineering Research Express. 2:025025.
Kassmer SH, Langenbacher AD, De Tomaso AW.  2020.  Integrin-alpha-6+ Candidate stem cells are responsible for whole body regeneration in the invertebrate chordate Botrylloides diegensis.. Nat Commun. 11(1):4435.
McCuskey SR, Su Y, Leifert D, Moreland AS, Bazan GC.  2020.  Living Bioelectrochemical Composites. Advanced Materials. 32:1908178.
Giamblanco N, Fichou Y, Janot J-M, Balanzat E, Han S, Balme S.  2020.  Mechanisms of Heparin-Induced Tau Aggregation Revealed by a Single Nanopore. ACS Sensors. 5:1158-1167.
Steffes VM, Zhang Z, MacDonald S, Crowe J, Ewert KK, Carragher B, Potter CS, Safinya CR.  2020.  PEGylation of Paclitaxel-Loaded Cationic Liposomes Drives Steric Stabilization of Bicelles and Vesicles thereby Enhancing Delivery and Cytotoxicity to Human Cancer Cells. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 12:151-162.
Kaytanli B, Khankhel AH, Cohen N, Valentine MT.  2020.  Rapid analysis of cell-generated forces within a multicellular aggregate using microsphere-based traction force microscopy. Soft Matter. 16:4192-4199.
Song J, Levenson R, Santos J, Velazquez L, Zhang F, Fygenson D, Wu W, Morse DE.  2020.  Reflectin Proteins Bind and Reorganize Synthetic Phospholipid Vesicles. Langmuir. :null.
Jeon B-J, Nguyen DT, Saleh OA.  2020.  Sequence-Controlled Adhesion and Microemulsification in a Two-Phase System of DNA Liquid Droplets. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 124:8888-8895.
Seo D, Chen S-Y, Lee DWoog, Schrader AM, Ahn K, Page S, Koenig PH, Gizaw Y, Israelachvili JN.  2020.  The shape and dynamics of deformations of viscoelastic fluids by water droplets. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 580:776-784.
Dai W, Guo X, Cao Y, Mondo JA, Campanale JP, Montell BJ, Burrous H, Streichan S, Gov N, Rappel W-J et al..  2020.  Tissue topography steers migrating Drosophila border cells. Science. 370:987–990.
Hu C, Huang Y, Wu L, Zhao H, Soo CPac, Lian Q, Ma D.  2021.  Apoptosis and necroptosis occur in the different brain regions of hippocampus in a rat model of hypoxia asphyxia. International Journal of Neuroscience. 131:843-853.
Brackett K, Mungale A, Lopez-Isidro M, Proctor DA, Najarro G, Arias C.  2021.  CRISPR Interference Efficiently Silences Latent and Lytic Viral Genes in Kaposi’s Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus-Infected Cells. Viruses. 13:783.
Kourakis MJ, Bostwick M, Zabriskie A, Smith WC.  2021.  Disruption of left-right axis specification in Ciona induces molecular, cellular, and functional defects in asymmetric brain structures.. BMC Biol. 19(1):141.
Zhan Y, San Alberto DAlonso, Rusch C, Riffell JA, Montell C.  2021.  Elimination of vision-guided target attraction in Aedes aegypti using CRISPR. Current Biology.
Wilken S.Elmo, Monk JM, Leggieri PA, Lawson CE, Lankiewicz TS, Seppälä S, Daum CG, Jenkins J, Lipzen AM, Mondo SJ et al..  2021.  Experimentally Validated Reconstruction and Analysis of a Genome-Scale Metabolic Model of an Anaerobic Neocallimastigomycota Fungus. mSystems. 6
Kim AA, Nguyen A, Marchetti M, Montell D, Pruitt B.L, O’Brien LErin.  2021.  Independently paced calcium oscillations in progenitor and differentiated cells in an ex vivo epithelial organ. bioRxiv.
Lin Y, Fichou Y, Longhini AP, Llanes LC, Yin P, Bazan GC, Kosik KS, Han S.  2021.  Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation of Tau Driven by Hydrophobic Interaction Facilitates Fibrillization of Tau. Journal of Molecular Biology. 433:166731.
Best RL, LaPointe NE, Azarenko O, Miller H, Genualdi C, Chih S, Shen B-Q, Jordan MAnn, Wilson L, Feinstein SC et al..  2021.  Microtubule and tubulin binding and regulation of microtubule dynamics by the antibody drug conjugate (ADC) payload, monomethyl auristatin E (MMAE): Mechanistic insights into MMAE ADC peripheral neuropathy. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 421:115534.
Smith HM, Khairallah SM, Nguyen AHong, Newman-Smith E, Smith WC.  2021.  Misregulation of cell adhesion molecules in the Ciona neural tube closure mutant bugeye. Developmental Biology. 480:14-24.
