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Steffes VM, Zhang Z, MacDonald S, Crowe J, Ewert KK, Carragher B, Potter CS, Safinya CR.  2020.  PEGylation of Paclitaxel-Loaded Cationic Liposomes Drives Steric Stabilization of Bicelles and Vesicles thereby Enhancing Delivery and Cytotoxicity to Human Cancer Cells. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 12:151-162.
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Seo S, Das S, Zalicki P, Mirshafian R, Eisenbach CD, Israelachvili JN, Waite JHerbert, B Ahn K.  2015.  Micro-phase behavior and enhanced wet-cohesion of synthetic copolyampholytes inspired by a mussel foot protein. Journal of the American Chemical Society.
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