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Levine ZA, Larini L, LaPointe NE, Feinstein SC, Shea J-E.  2015.  Regulation and aggregation of intrinsically disordered peptides. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Menegatti S, Ruocco N, Kumar S, Zakrewsky M, De Oliveira JSanchez, Helgeson M.E, Leal GL, Mitragotri S.  2015.  Synthesis and Characterization of a Self-Fluorescent Hyaluronic Acid–Based Gel for Dermal Applications. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 4:2297–2305.
Eschmann NA, Do TD, LaPointe NE, Shea J-E, Feinstein SC, Bowers MT, Han S.  2015.  Tau Aggregation Propensity Engrained in Its Solution State. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 119(45)
Ganguly P, Do TD, Larini L, LaPointe NE, Sercel AJ, Shade MF, Feinstein SC, Bowers MT, Shea J-E.  2015.  Tau Assembly: The Dominant Role of PHF6 (VQIVYK) in Microtubule Binding Region Repeat R3. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 119(13)
Ganguly P, Do TD, Larini L, LaPointe NE, Sercel AJ, Shade MF, Feinstein SC, Bowers MT, Shea J-E.  2015.  Tau Assembly: The Dominant Role of PHF6 (VQIVYK) in Microtubule Binding Region Repeat R3. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 119(13)
Bailey JK, Fields AT, Cheng K, Lee A, Wagenaar E, Lagrois R, Schmidt B, Xia B, Ma D.  2015.  WD Repeat-Containing Protein 5 (WDR5) Localizes to the Midbody and Regulates Abscission. Journal of Biological Chemistry. :jbc–M114.
Bailey JK, Fields AT, Cheng K, Lee A, Wagenaar E, Lagrois R, Schmidt B, Xia B, Ma D.  2015.  WD Repeat-Containing Protein 5 (WDR5) Localizes to the Midbody and Regulates Abscission. Journal of Biological Chemistry. :jbc–M114.
Rodriguez D, Sanders EN, Farell K, Langenbacher AD, Taketa DA, Hopper MRae, Kennedy M, Gracey A, De Tomaso AW.  2014.  Analysis of the basal chordate Botryllus schlosseri reveals a set of genes associated with fertility. BMC genomics. 15:1183.
Rodriguez D, Langenbacher AD, Sanders E, De Tomaso A.  2014.  Expression of vitellogenin and transforming growth factor $\beta$ genes in follicle cells of the developing Botryllus schlosseri oocyte. Molecular reproduction and development.
Do TD, LaPointe NE, Sangwan S, Teplow DB, Feinstein SC, Sawaya MR, Eisenberg D, Bowers MThomas.  2014.  Factors that Drive Peptide Assembly from Native to Amyloid Structures: Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of [Leu-5]-Enkephalin Mutants. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B.
Sivakumar K, Wang VBochuan, Chen X, Bazan GC, Kjelleberg S, Loo SChye Joach, Cao B.  2014.  Membrane permeabilization underlies the enhancement of extracellular bioactivity in Shewanella oneidensis by a membrane-spanning conjugated oligoelectrolyte. Applied microbiology and biotechnology. 98:9021–9031.
Cook BM, Benbow SJ, Wozniak KM, Slusher BS, Littlefield BA, Wilson L, Feinstein SC, Jordan MAnn.  2014.  Microtubule-targeting agents induce differential myelinated axon degeneration in a mouse model of peripheral neuropathy. Cancer Research. 74:5503–5503.
Silva BFB, Majzoub RN, Chan C-L, Li Y, Olsson U, Safinya CR.  2014.  PEGylated cationic liposome–DNA complexation in brine is pathway-dependent. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes. 1838:398–412.
Ojeda-Lopez MA, Needleman DJ, Song C, Ginsburg A, Kohl PA, Li Y, Miller HP, Wilson L, Raviv U, Choi MChul et al..  2014.  Transformation of taxol-stabilized microtubules into inverted tubulin tubules triggered by a tubulin conformation switch. Nature materials.
Li Y, Miller HP, Wilson L, Raviv U, Choi MChul, Safinya CR.  2014.  Transformation of taxol-stabilized microtubules into inverted tubulin tubules triggered by a tubulin conformation switch.
Majzoub RN, Chan C-L, Ewert KK, Silva BFB, Liang KS, Jacovetty EL, Carragher B, Potter CS, Safinya CR.  2014.  Uptake and transfection efficiency of PEGylated cationic liposome–DNA complexes with and without RGD-tagging. Biomaterials. 35:4996–5005.
Braden BP, Taketa DA, Pierce JD, Kassmer S, Lewis DD, De Tomaso AW.  2014.  Vascular Regeneration in a Basal Chordate Is Due to the Presence of Immobile, Bi-Functional Cells. PloS one. 9:e95460.
Langenbacher AD, Rodriguez D, Maio A, Tomaso AW.  2014.  Whole-mount fluorescent in situ hybridization staining of the colonial tunicate Botryllus schlosseri. genesis.
Chen R, Braun GB, Luo X, Sugahara KN, Teesalu T, Ruoslahti E.  2013.  Application of a proapoptotic peptide to intratumorally spreading cancer therapy. Cancer research. 73:1352–1361.
Nydam ML, Netuschil N, Sanders E, Langenbacher A, Lewis DD, Taketa DA, Marimuthu A, Gracey AY, De Tomaso AW.  2013.  The Candidate Histocompatibility Locus of a Basal Chordate Encodes Two Highly Polymorphic Proteins. PloS one. 8:e65980.
Nydam ML, Netuschil N, Sanders E, Langenbacher A, Lewis DD, Taketa DA, Marimuthu A, Gracey AY, De Tomaso AW.  2013.  The Candidate Histocompatibility Locus of a Basal Chordate Encodes Two Highly Polymorphic Proteins. PloS one. 8:e65980.
LaPointe NE, Morfini G, Brady ST, Feinstein SC, Wilson L, Jordan MAnn.  2013.  Effects of eribulin, vincristine, paclitaxel and ixabepilone on fast axonal transport and kinesin-1 driven microtubule gliding: implications for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. Neurotoxicology. 37:231–239.
Do TD, Economou NJ, LaPointe NE, Kincannon WM, Bleiholder C, Feinstein SC, Teplow DB, Buratto SK, Bowers MT.  2013.  Factors That Drive Peptide Assembly and Fibril Formation: Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Sup35 NNQQNY Mutants. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 117:8436–8446.
Larini L, Gessel MMurray, LaPointe NE, Do TD, Bowers MT, Feinstein SC, Shea J-E.  2013.  Initiation of assembly of tau (273-284) and its $Δ$K280 mutant: an experimental and computational study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 15:8916–8928.
Larini L, Gessel MMurray, LaPointe NE, Do TD, Bowers MT, Feinstein SC, Shea J-E.  2013.  Initiation of assembly of tau (273-284) and its $Δ$K280 mutant: an experimental and computational study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 15:8916–8928.
