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Riedman LAnne, Porter SM, Czaja AD.  2021.  Phosphatic scales in vase-shaped microfossil assemblages from Death Valley, Grand Canyon, Tasmania, and Svalbard. Geobiology. n/a
Ren L, McCuskey SR, Moreland A, Bazan GC, Nguyen T-Q.  2019.  Tuning Geobacter sulfurreducens biofilm with conjugated polyelectrolyte for increased performance in bioelectrochemical system. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 144:111630.
Reinig MR, Novack SW, Tao X, Ermini F, Bentolila LA, Roberts DG, MacKenzie-Graham A, Godshalk SE, Raven MA, Kubby J.  2016.  Adaptive optics microscopy enhances image quality in deep layers of CLARITY processed brains of YFP-H mice. SPIE, Clinical and Translational Neurophotonics; Neural Imaging and Sensing; and Optogenetics and Optical Manipulation. 9690
Reda NJ, Morin JG, Torres E, Cohen AC, Schawaroch V, Gerrish GA.  2019.  Maristella, a new bioluminescent ostracod genus in the Myodocopida (Cypridinidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 187:1078-1118.
Rauch JN, Chen JJ, Sorum AW, Miller GM, Sharf T, See SK, Hsieh-Wilson LC, Kampmann M, Kosik KS.  2018.  Tau Internalization is Regulated by 6-O Sulfation on Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycans (HSPGs).. Sci Rep. 8(1):6382.
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M. Ramirez D, Oakley TH.  2015.  Eye-independent, light-activated chromatophore expansion (LACE) and expression of phototransduction genes in the skin of Octopus bimaculoides. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 218:1513-1520.
Podolsky IA, Seppälä S, Xu H, Jin Y-S, O'Malley MA.  2021.  A SWEET surprise: Anaerobic fungal sugar transporters and chimeras enhance sugar uptake in yeast. Metabolic Engineering. 66:137-147.
Plachetzki DC, Fong CR, Oakley TH.  2012.  Cnidocyte discharge is regulated by light and opsin-mediated phototransduction. BMC biology. 10:17.
Peniston JH, Ellis EA, Churchill CKC, M Ramirez D, Oakley TH.  2019.  Phylogenetic position of Alternochelata lizardensis Kornicker, 1982 within Rutidermatidae (Ostracoda: Myodocopida), with an investigation into its green coloration. Journal of Crustacean Biology.
Pellegrini H, Sharpe EH, Liu G, Nishiuchi E, Doerr N, Kipp KR, Chin T, Schimmel MF, Weimbs T.  2023.  Cleavage fragments of the C-terminal tail of polycystin-1 are regulated by oxidative stress and induce mitochondrial dysfunction. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 299:105158.
Pang H-B, Braun GB, Friman T, Aza-Blanc P, Ruidiaz ME, Sugahara KN, Teesalu T, Ruoslahti E.  2014.  An endocytosis pathway initiated through neuropilin-1 and regulated by nutrient availability. Nature communications. 5
Palmquist NC, Anderson R, Kearns JA, Back J, Trageser E, Gee S, Denbaars SP, Nakamura S.  2023.  Long-Cavity M-Plane GaN-Based Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers with a Topside Monolithic Curved Mirror. Photonics. 10:646.
Palmquist NC, Kearns JA, Gee S, Juan A, Gandrothula S, Lam M, Denbaars SP, Nakamura S.  2023.  Demonstration of III-nitride vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with a topside dielectric curved mirror. Applied Physics Express. 17:016504.
Pallaoro A, Braun GB, Moskovits M.  2015.  Biotags Based on Surface-Enhanced Raman Can Be as Bright as Fluorescence Tags. Nano Letters. 15(10)
Pallaoro A, Braun G, Moskovits M.  2012.  SERS biotags (SBTs) for the quantitative ratiometric discrimination between noncancerous and cancerous prostate cells. MRS Proceedings.
Paight C, Hunter ESage, Lane CE.  2022.  Codependence of individuals in the Nephromyces species swarm requires heterospecific bacterial endosymbionts. Current Biology. 32:2948-2955.e4.
