
Found 210 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Smiyun G, Azarenko O, Miller H, Rifkind A, LaPointe NE, Wilson L, Jordan MAnn.  2017.  $\beta$III-tubulin enhances efficacy of cabazitaxel as compared with docetaxel. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology. :1–14.
Niu J, Lunn DJ, Pusuluri A, Yoo JI, O’Malley MA, Mitragotri S, H Soh T, Hawker CJ.  2017.  Engineering live cell surfaces with functional polymers via cytocompatible controlled radical polymerization. Nature Chemistry. 9
Lisi V, Singh B, Giroux M, Guzman E, Painter MW, Cheng Y-C, Huebner E, Coppola G, Costigan M, Woolf CJ et al..  2017.  Enhanced Neuronal Regeneration in the CAST/Ei Mouse Strain Is Linked to Expression of Differentiation Markers after Injury. Cell Reports. 20:1136-1147.
Kirchhofer ND, Rengert ZD, Dahlquist FW, Nguyen T-Q, Bazan GC.  2017.  A Ferrocene-Based Conjugated Oligoelectrolyte Catalyzes Bacterial Electrode Respiration. Chem. 2:240-257.
Rodriguez D, Kassmer SH, De Tomaso AW.  2017.  Gonad development and hermaphroditism in the ascidian Botryllus schlosseri. Molecular Reproduction and Development. 84:158–170.
Vogus DR, Evans MA, Pusuluri A, Barajas A, Zhang M, Krishnan V, Nowak M, Menegatti S, Helgeson ME, Squires TM et al..  2017.  A hyaluronic acid conjugate engineered to synergistically and sequentially deliver gemcitabine and doxorubicin to treat triple negative breast cancer. Journal of Controlled Release.
Rodriguez D, Braden BP, Boyer SW, Taketa DA, Setar L, Calhoun C, Di Maio A, Langenbacher A, Valentine MT, De Tomaso AW.  2017.  In vivo manipulation of the extracellular matrix induces vascular regression in a basal chordate. Molecular Biology of the Cell.
Benbow SJ, Wozniak KM, Kulesh B, Savage A, Slusher BS, Littlefield BA, Jordan MAnn, Wilson L, Feinstein SC.  2017.  Microtubule-Targeting Agents Eribulin and Paclitaxel Differentially Affect Neuronal Cell Bodies in Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy. Neurotoxicity Research. :1–12.
Giovannone AJ, Reales E, Bhattaram P, Fraile-Ramos A, Weimbs T.  2017.  Mono-ubiquitination of syntaxin 3 leads to retrieval from the basolateral plasma membrane and facilitates cargo recruitment to exosomes. Molecular Biology of the Cell.
Dai W, Peterson A, Kenney T, Burrous H, Montell DJ.  2017.  Quantitative microscopy of the Drosophila ovary shows multiple niche signals specify progenitor cell fate.. Nat Commun. 8(1):1244.
KEELEY PATRICKW, KIM JASONJ, LEE SAMMYCS, HAVERKAMP SILKE, REESE BENJAMINE.  2017.  Random spatial patterning of cone bipolar cell mosaics in the mouse retina. Visual Neuroscience. 34
Zhang X, Lin Y, Eschmann NA, Zhou H, Rauch JN, Hernandez I, Guzman E, Kosik KS, Han S.  2017.  RNA stores tau reversibly in complex coacervates. PLOS Biology. 15:1-28.
Eschmann NA, Georgieva ER, Ganguly P, Borbat PP, Rappaport MD, Akdogan Y, Freed JH, Shea J-E, Han S.  2017.  Signature of an aggregation-prone conformation of tau.. Sci Rep. 7:44739.
Kaminker I, Wei W, Schrader AM, Talmon Y, Valentine MT, Israelachvili JN, J. Waite H, Han S.  2017.  Simple peptide coacervates adapted for rapid pressure-sensitive wet adhesion. Soft Matter. 13:9122-9131.
Simon AJ, Walls-Smith LT, Freddi MJ, Fong FYi, Gubala V, Plaxco KW.  2017.  Simultaneous Measurement of the Dissolution Kinetics of Responsive DNA Hydrogels at Multiple Length Scales.. ACS Nano. 11(1):461-468.
Janušonis S.  2017.  Some Galeomorph Sharks Express a Mammalian Microglia-Specific Protein in Radial Ependymoglia of the Telencephalon.. Brain Behav Evol.
McNair HM, Brzezinski MA, Till CP, Krause JW.  2017.  Taxon-specific contributions to silica production in natural diatom assemblages. Limnology and Oceanography. 63:1056-1075.
Nguyen DT, Saleh OA.  2017.  Tuning phase and aging of DNA hydrogels through molecular design. Soft Matter. 13:5421-5427.
