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Camacho KM, Menegatti S, Vogus DR, Pusuluri A, Fuchs Z, Jarvis M, Zakrewsky M, Evans MA, Chen R, Mitragotri S.  2016.  DAFODIL: A novel liposome-encapsulated synergistic combination of doxorubicin and 5FU for low dose chemotherapy. Journal of Controlled Release. 229:154-162.
Alberici L, Roth L, Sugahara KN, Agemy L, Kotamraju VR, Teesalu T, Bordignon C, Traversari C, Rizzardi G-P, Ruoslahti E.  2013.  De novo design of a tumor-penetrating peptide. Cancer research. 73:804–812.
Anselmo AC, Gupta V, Zern BJ, Pan D, Zakrewsky M, Muzykantov V, Mitragotri S.  2013.  Delivering Nanoparticles to Lungs while Avoiding Liver and Spleen through Adsorption on Red Blood Cells. ACS nano. 7:11129–11137.
Palmquist NC, Kearns JA, Gee S, Juan A, Gandrothula S, Lam M, Denbaars SP, Nakamura S.  2023.  Demonstration of III-nitride vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with a topside dielectric curved mirror. Applied Physics Express. 17:016504.
Yang Y, Valentine MT.  2013.  Determining the Structure–Mechanics Relationships of Dense Microtubule Networks with Confocal Microscopy and Magnetic Tweezers-Based Microrheology. Methods in Cell Biology. 115
Vaidya B, Kulkarni NS, Shukla SK, Parvathaneni V, Chauhan G, Damon JK, Sarode A, Garcia JV, Kunda N, Mitragotri S et al..  2020.  Development of inhalable quinacrine loaded bovine serum albumin modified cationic nanoparticles: Repurposing quinacrine for lung cancer therapeutics. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 577:118995.
McNair HM, Brzezinski MA, Krause JW.  2018.  Diatom populations in an upwelling environment decrease silica content to avoid growth limitation. Environmental Microbiology. 20:4184-4193.
Cook B.M, Wozniak K.M, Proctor D.A, Bromberg R.B, Wu Y., Slusher B.S, Littlefield B.A, Jordan M.A, Wilson L., Feinstein SC.  2018.  Differential Morphological and Biochemical Recovery from Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy Following Paclitaxel, Ixabepilone, or Eribulin Treatment in Mouse Sciatic Nerves. Neurotoxicity Research. 34:677–692.
Yang Y, Lin J, Kaytanli B, Saleh OA, Valentine MT.  2012.  Direct correlation between creep compliance and deformation in entangled and sparsely crosslinked microtubule networks. Soft Matter. 8:1776–1784.
Kourakis MJ, Bostwick M, Zabriskie A, Smith WC.  2021.  Disruption of left-right axis specification in Ciona induces molecular, cellular, and functional defects in asymmetric brain structures.. BMC Biol. 19(1):141.
DeMartini DG, Ghoshal A, Pandolfi E, Weaver AT, Baum M, Morse DE.  2013.  Dynamic biophotonics: female squid exhibit sexually dimorphic tunable leucophores and iridocytes. The Journal of experimental biology. 216:3733–3741.
LaPointe NE, Morfini G, Brady ST, Feinstein SC, Wilson L, Jordan MAnn.  2013.  Effects of eribulin, vincristine, paclitaxel and ixabepilone on fast axonal transport and kinesin-1 driven microtubule gliding: implications for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. Neurotoxicology. 37:231–239.
Benbow SJ, Cook BM, Reifert J, Wozniak KM, Slusher BS, Littlefield BA, Wilson L, Jordan MAnn, Feinstein SC.  2016.  Effects of Paclitaxel and Eribulin in Mouse Sciatic Nerve: A Microtubule-Based Rationale for the Differential Induction of Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy. Neurotoxicity Research. 29:299–313.
Bernstein JH, Filippidi E, J. Waite H, Valentine MT.  2020.  Effects of sea water pH on marine mussel plaque maturation. Soft Matter. 16:9339-9346.
Yu D, Feinstein SC, Valentine MT.  2015.  Effects of wild type tau and disease-linked tau mutations on microtubule organization and intracellular trafficking in COS-7 cells. Journal of Biomechanics.
Lin Y, Fichou Y, Zeng Z, Hu NY, Han S.  2020.  Electrostatically Driven Complex Coacervation and Amyloid Aggregation of Tau Are Independent Processes with Overlapping Conditions. ACS Chemical Neuroscience. 11:615-627.
Zhan Y, San Alberto DAlonso, Rusch C, Riffell JA, Montell C.  2021.  Elimination of vision-guided target attraction in Aedes aegypti using CRISPR. Current Biology.
Pang H-B, Braun GB, Friman T, Aza-Blanc P, Ruidiaz ME, Sugahara KN, Teesalu T, Ruoslahti E.  2014.  An endocytosis pathway initiated through neuropilin-1 and regulated by nutrient availability. Nature communications. 5
Niu J, Lunn DJ, Pusuluri A, Yoo JI, O’Malley MA, Mitragotri S, H Soh T, Hawker CJ.  2017.  Engineering live cell surfaces with functional polymers via cytocompatible controlled radical polymerization. Nature Chemistry. 9
Miller ADC, Chowdhury SP, Hanson HW, Linderman SK, Ghasemi HI, Miller WD, Morrissey MA, Richardson CD, Gardner BM, Mukherjee A.  2024.  Engineering water exchange is a safe and effective method for magnetic resonance imaging in diverse cell types.. J Biol Eng. 18(1):30.
