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Agemy L, Kotamraju VR, Friedmann-Morvinski D, Sharma S, Sugahara KN, Ruoslahti E.  2013.  Proapoptotic peptide-mediated cancer therapy targeted to cell surface p32. Molecular Therapy. 21:2195–2204.
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Alberici L, Roth L, Sugahara KN, Agemy L, Kotamraju VR, Teesalu T, Bordignon C, Traversari C, Rizzardi G-P, Ruoslahti E.  2013.  De novo design of a tumor-penetrating peptide. Cancer research. 73:804–812.
Anselmo AC, Gupta V, Zern BJ, Pan D, Zakrewsky M, Muzykantov V, Mitragotri S.  2013.  Delivering Nanoparticles to Lungs while Avoiding Liver and Spleen through Adsorption on Red Blood Cells. ACS nano. 7:11129–11137.
Anselmo AC, Modery-Pawlowski CLynn, Menegatti S, Kumar S, Vogus DR, Tian LL, Chen M, Squires TM, Gupta ASen, Mitragotri S.  2014.  Platelet-like Nanoparticles (PLNs): Engineering Shape, Flexibility and Surface Chemistry of Nanocarriers to Target Vascular Injuries. ACS nano.
Anselmo AC, Gilbert JB, Kumar S, Gupta V, Cohen RE, Rubner MF, Mitragotri S.  2014.  Monocyte-mediated delivery of polymeric backpacks to inflamed tissues: a generalized strategy to deliver drugs to treat inflammation. Journal of Controlled Release.
Azarenko O, Smiyun G, Mah J, Wilson L, Jordan MAnn.  2014.  Antiproliferative Mechanism of Action of the Novel Taxane Cabazitaxel as Compared with the Parent Compound Docetaxel in MCF7 Breast Cancer Cells. American Association for Cancer Research. 13:2092–2103.
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Bailey JK, Fields AT, Cheng K, Lee A, Wagenaar E, Lagrois R, Schmidt B, Xia B, Ma D.  2015.  WD Repeat-Containing Protein 5 (WDR5) Localizes to the Midbody and Regulates Abscission. Journal of Biological Chemistry. :jbc–M114.
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Barua S, Yoo J-W, Kolhar P, Wakankar A, Gokarn YR, Mitragotri S.  2013.  Particle shape enhances specificity of antibody-displaying nanoparticles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 110:3270–3275.
Beach S, Grundeen S, Doyle A, Theogarajan L.  2020.  Fabrication and validation of flexible 3D pillar electrodes for neural electrophysiological recording. Engineering Research Express. 2:025025.
Beach S, Grundeen S, Doyle A, Theogarajan L.  2019.  Fabrication and validation of flexible 3D pillar electrodes for neural electrophysiological recording. Engineering Research Express.
Benbow SJ, Wozniak KM, Kulesh B, Savage A, Slusher BS, Littlefield BA, Jordan MAnn, Wilson L, Feinstein SC.  2017.  Microtubule-Targeting Agents Eribulin and Paclitaxel Differentially Affect Neuronal Cell Bodies in Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy. Neurotoxicity Research. :1–12.
Benbow SJ, Cook BM, Reifert J, Wozniak KM, Slusher BS, Littlefield BA, Wilson L, Jordan MAnn, Feinstein SC.  2016.  Effects of Paclitaxel and Eribulin in Mouse Sciatic Nerve: A Microtubule-Based Rationale for the Differential Induction of Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy. Neurotoxicity Research. 29:299–313.
Bernstein JH, Filippidi E, J. Waite H, Valentine MT.  2020.  Effects of sea water pH on marine mussel plaque maturation. Soft Matter. 16:9339-9346.
Best RL, LaPointe NE, Azarenko O, Miller H, Genualdi C, Chih S, Shen B-Q, Jordan MAnn, Wilson L, Feinstein SC et al..  2021.  Microtubule and tubulin binding and regulation of microtubule dynamics by the antibody drug conjugate (ADC) payload, monomethyl auristatin E (MMAE): Mechanistic insights into MMAE ADC peripheral neuropathy. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 421:115534.
Best RL, LaPointe NE, Liang J, Ruan K, Shade MF, Wilson L, Feinstein SC.  2019.  Tau isoform–specific stabilization of intermediate states during microtubule assembly and disassembly. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 294:12265-12280.
Bonham AJ, Wenta N, Osslund LM, Prussin AJ, Vinkemeier U, Reich NO.  2013.  STAT1: DNA sequence-dependent binding modulation by phosphorylation, protein: protein interactions and small-molecule inhibition. Nucleic acids research. 41:754–763.
Brackett K, Mungale A, Lopez-Isidro M, Proctor DA, Najarro G, Arias C.  2021.  CRISPR Interference Efficiently Silences Latent and Lytic Viral Genes in Kaposi’s Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus-Infected Cells. Viruses. 13:783.
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Braun GB, Friman T, Pang H-B, Pallaoro A, de Mendoza THurtado, Willmore A-MA, Kotamraju VRamana, Mann AP, She Z-G, Sugahara KN et al..  2014.  Etchable plasmonic nanoparticle probes to image and quantify cellular internalization. Nature materials.
Brown TD, Nowak M, Bayles AV, Prabhakarpandian B, Karande P, Lahann J, Helgeson ME, Mitragotri S.  2019.  A microfluidic model of human brain (μHuB) for assessment of blood brain barrier. Bioengineering & Translational Medicine. 4:e10126.
Brown TD, Nowak M, Bayles AV, Prabhakarpandian B, Karande P, Lahann J, Helgeson ME, Mitragotri S.  2018.  A microfluidic model of human brain (μHuB) for assessment of blood brain barrier. Bioengineering & Translational Medicine.
Brunquell C, Biliran H, Jennings S, Ireland SKale, Chen R, Ruoslahti E.  2012.  TLE1 Is an anoikis regulator and is downregulated by Bit1 in breast cancer cells. Molecular Cancer Research. 10:1482–1495.
