UCSB Researchers
Complete and return the NRI Safety Documentation Form and NRI Recharge Account form to NRI Purchasing x5506 (NRI.ACCT@lifesci.ucsb.edu) in the NRI Administrative Office, 6th Floor of Bio II, Room 6131.
NRI Safety Documentation Form which includes EH&S Safety Training Documentation.
- Chemical Hygiene Plan (not a form to turn in)
- Bio II Flip Chart (not a form to turn in)
- NRI Recharge Account Form
NRI Safety Documentation Form which includes EH&S Safety Training Documentation.
- Register as a new user in the Microscopy Online Schedule https://ucsb.corefacilities.org. Your UCSBnetID username and password will log you on. After you've registered your PI or Ben will need to accept your lab membership and assign you a LAFS billing account number. (You may already have done this if you use the stem cell facility.)
- You will be added to the Risk and Safety Solutions tool for the NRI-MCDB Microscopy Facility. Complete the assessment.
- Request an ADS account from the Life Science Computing Group if you don’t have one already see https://www.lscg.ucsb.edu/get-started (Chem-ads counts as an account)
You need this account to log onto the computers in the facility. (Users from outside the ADS domain should bring their ADS account name and the original password to training)
- Please periodically check the Lifesci email account they provide or forward it to your main email account so you receive important notices.
- Schedule a training with the Facility Director Ben Lopez.
Off-campus Researchers
Special rates and/or policies apply for off-campus. Contact the Facility Director Ben Lopez for more information.
Keys Access to the Microscopy Facility
Once you have completed the Facility paperwork and have been trained in the Facility you may request a key provided your lab does not already have access.
Biology II Building Access
Once you have completed the Facility paperwork and have been trained in the Facility you may request building access.
If you do not already have a security badge, you will need to obtain one.