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Amino Acid Metaclusters: Implications of Growth Trends on Peptide Self-Assembly and Structure.. Anal Chem. 88(1):868-76.
2016. Opposing Effects of Cucurbit[7]uril and 1,2,3,4,6-Penta-O-galloyl-β-d-glucopyranose on Amyloid β25-35 Assembly.. ACS Chem Neurosci. 7(2):218-26.
2016. .
2016. .
Factors that Drive Peptide Assembly from Native to Amyloid Structures: Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of [Leu-5]-Enkephalin Mutants. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B.
2014. Microtubule-targeting agents induce differential myelinated axon degeneration in a mouse model of peripheral neuropathy. Cancer Research. 74:5503–5503.
2014. Effects of eribulin, vincristine, paclitaxel and ixabepilone on fast axonal transport and kinesin-1 driven microtubule gliding: implications for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. Neurotoxicology. 37:231–239.
2013. Factors That Drive Peptide Assembly and Fibril Formation: Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Sup35 NNQQNY Mutants. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 117:8436–8446.
2013. Initiation of assembly of tau (273-284) and its $Δ$K280 mutant: an experimental and computational study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 15:8916–8928.