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Smiyun G, Azarenko O, Miller H, Rifkind A, LaPointe NE, Wilson L, Jordan MAnn.  2017.  $\beta$III-tubulin enhances efficacy of cabazitaxel as compared with docetaxel. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology. :1–14.
Lisi V, Singh B, Giroux M, Guzman E, Painter MW, Cheng Y-C, Huebner E, Coppola G, Costigan M, Woolf CJ et al..  2017.  Enhanced Neuronal Regeneration in the CAST/Ei Mouse Strain Is Linked to Expression of Differentiation Markers after Injury. Cell Reports. 20:1136-1147.
Benbow SJ, Wozniak KM, Kulesh B, Savage A, Slusher BS, Littlefield BA, Jordan MAnn, Wilson L, Feinstein SC.  2017.  Microtubule-Targeting Agents Eribulin and Paclitaxel Differentially Affect Neuronal Cell Bodies in Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy. Neurotoxicity Research. :1–12.
Benbow SJ, Wozniak KM, Kulesh B, Savage A, Slusher BS, Littlefield BA, Jordan MAnn, Wilson L, Feinstein SC.  2017.  Microtubule-Targeting Agents Eribulin and Paclitaxel Differentially Affect Neuronal Cell Bodies in Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy. Neurotoxicity Research. :1–12.
Giovannone AJ, Reales E, Bhattaram P, Fraile-Ramos A, Weimbs T.  2017.  Mono-ubiquitination of syntaxin 3 leads to retrieval from the basolateral plasma membrane and facilitates cargo recruitment to exosomes. Molecular Biology of the Cell.
Kaminker I, Wei W, Schrader AM, Talmon Y, Valentine MT, Israelachvili JN, J. Waite H, Han S.  2017.  Simple peptide coacervates adapted for rapid pressure-sensitive wet adhesion. Soft Matter. 13:9122-9131.
Kaminker I, Wei W, Schrader AM, Talmon Y, Valentine MT, Israelachvili JN, J. Waite H, Han S.  2017.  Simple peptide coacervates adapted for rapid pressure-sensitive wet adhesion. Soft Matter. 13:9122-9131.
Simon AJ, Walls-Smith LT, Freddi MJ, Fong FYi, Gubala V, Plaxco KW.  2017.  Simultaneous Measurement of the Dissolution Kinetics of Responsive DNA Hydrogels at Multiple Length Scales.. ACS Nano. 11(1):461-468.
Azarenko O, Smiyun G, Mah J, Wilson L, Jordan MAnn.  2014.  Antiproliferative Mechanism of Action of the Novel Taxane Cabazitaxel as Compared with the Parent Compound Docetaxel in MCF7 Breast Cancer Cells. American Association for Cancer Research. 13:2092–2103.
Braun GB, Friman T, Pang H-B, Pallaoro A, de Mendoza THurtado, Willmore A-MA, Kotamraju VRamana, Mann AP, She Z-G, Sugahara KN et al..  2014.  Etchable plasmonic nanoparticle probes to image and quantify cellular internalization. Nature materials.
Sivakumar K, Wang VBochuan, Chen X, Bazan GC, Kjelleberg S, Loo SChye Joach, Cao B.  2014.  Membrane permeabilization underlies the enhancement of extracellular bioactivity in Shewanella oneidensis by a membrane-spanning conjugated oligoelectrolyte. Applied microbiology and biotechnology. 98:9021–9031.
Cook BM, Benbow SJ, Wozniak KM, Slusher BS, Littlefield BA, Wilson L, Feinstein SC, Jordan MAnn.  2014.  Microtubule-targeting agents induce differential myelinated axon degeneration in a mouse model of peripheral neuropathy. Cancer Research. 74:5503–5503.
Cook BM, Benbow SJ, Wozniak KM, Slusher BS, Littlefield BA, Wilson L, Feinstein SC, Jordan MAnn.  2014.  Microtubule-targeting agents induce differential myelinated axon degeneration in a mouse model of peripheral neuropathy. Cancer Research. 74:5503–5503.
Wei W, Tan Y, Rodriguez NRMartinez, Yu J, Israelachvili JN, J Waite H.  2014.  A mussel-derived one component adhesive coacervate. Acta biomaterialia. 10:1663–1670.
Wei W, Tan Y, Rodriguez NRMartinez, Yu J, Israelachvili JN, J Waite H.  2014.  A mussel-derived one component adhesive coacervate. Acta biomaterialia. 10:1663–1670.
