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Dow LP, Khankhel AH, Abram J, Valentine MT.  2020.  3D-printable cell crowding device enables imaging of live cells in compression. BioTechniques. :null.
Do TD, Economou NJ, LaPointe NE, Kincannon WM, Bleiholder C, Feinstein SC, Teplow DB, Buratto SK, Bowers MT.  2013.  Factors That Drive Peptide Assembly and Fibril Formation: Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Sup35 NNQQNY Mutants. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 117:8436–8446.
Do TD, LaPointe NE, Sangwan S, Teplow DB, Feinstein SC, Sawaya MR, Eisenberg D, Bowers MThomas.  2014.  Factors that Drive Peptide Assembly from Native to Amyloid Structures: Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of [Leu-5]-Enkephalin Mutants. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B.
Do TD, LaPointe NE, Nelson R, Krotee P, Hayden EY, Ulrich B, Quan S, Feinstein SC, Teplow DB, Eisenberg D et al..  2016.  Amyloid β-Protein C-Terminal Fragments: Formation of Cylindrins and β-Barrels. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 138(2)
Do TD, de Almeida NEC, LaPointe NE, Chamas A, Feinstein SC, Bowers MT.  2016.  Amino Acid Metaclusters: Implications of Growth Trends on Peptide Self-Assembly and Structure.. Anal Chem. 88(1):868-76.
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DeMartini DG, Krogstad DV, Morse DE.  2013.  Membrane invaginations facilitate reversible water flux driving tunable iridescence in a dynamic biophotonic system. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 110:2552–2556.
DeMartini DG, Ghoshal A, Pandolfi E, Weaver AT, Baum M, Morse DE.  2013.  Dynamic biophotonics: female squid exhibit sexually dimorphic tunable leucophores and iridocytes. The Journal of experimental biology. 216:3733–3741.
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de Almeida NEC, Do TD, Tro M, LaPointe NE, Feinstein SC, Shea J-E, Bowers MT.  2016.  Opposing Effects of Cucurbit[7]uril and 1,2,3,4,6-Penta-O-galloyl-β-d-glucopyranose on Amyloid β25-35 Assembly.. ACS Chem Neurosci. 7(2):218-26.
Dai W, Peterson A, Kenney T, Burrous H, Montell DJ.  2017.  Quantitative microscopy of the Drosophila ovary shows multiple niche signals specify progenitor cell fate.. Nat Commun. 8(1):1244.
Dai W, Guo X, Cao Y, Mondo JA, Campanale JP, Montell BJ, Burrous H, Streichan S, Gov N, Rappel W-J et al..  2020.  Tissue topography steers migrating Drosophila border cells. Science. 370:987–990.
Copp SM, Schultz DE, Swasey S, Gwinn EG.  2015.  Atomically Precise Arrays of Fluorescent Silver Clusters: A Modular Approach for Metal Cluster Photonics on DNA Nanostructures. ACS nano.
Cook BM, Benbow SJ, Wozniak KM, Slusher BS, Littlefield BA, Wilson L, Feinstein SC, Jordan MAnn.  2014.  Microtubule-targeting agents induce differential myelinated axon degeneration in a mouse model of peripheral neuropathy. Cancer Research. 74:5503–5503.
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Chow YChao, Tak T, Wu F, Ewing J, Nakamura S, Denbaars SP, Wu Y-R, Weisbuch C, Speck JS.  2023.  Origins of the high-energy electroluminescence peaks in long-wavelength (∼495–685 nm) InGaN light-emitting diodes. Applied Physics Letters. 123:091103.
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