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Di Maio A, Setar L, Tiozzo S, De Tomaso AW.  2015.  Wnt affects symmetry and morphogenesis during post-embryonic development in colonial chordates. EvoDevo. 6:17.
Diaz HMorales, Mejares E, Newman-Smith E, Smith WC.  2015.  ACAM, a novel member of the neural IgCAM family, mediates anterior neural tube closure in a primitive chordate. Developmental Biology.
Do TD, LaPointe NE, Sangwan S, Teplow DB, Feinstein SC, Sawaya MR, Eisenberg D, Bowers MThomas.  2014.  Factors that Drive Peptide Assembly from Native to Amyloid Structures: Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of [Leu-5]-Enkephalin Mutants. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B.
Do TD, Economou NJ, LaPointe NE, Kincannon WM, Bleiholder C, Feinstein SC, Teplow DB, Buratto SK, Bowers MT.  2013.  Factors That Drive Peptide Assembly and Fibril Formation: Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Sup35 NNQQNY Mutants. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 117:8436–8446.
Do TD, de Almeida NEC, LaPointe NE, Chamas A, Feinstein SC, Bowers MT.  2016.  Amino Acid Metaclusters: Implications of Growth Trends on Peptide Self-Assembly and Structure.. Anal Chem. 88(1):868-76.
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Goh R, Yoshida E, Schaible E, Behrens R, Monnier CA, Killingsworth B, Kong KWhye, Hiew SHui, Miserez A, Hoon S et al..  2022.  Nanolattice-Forming Hybrid Collagens in Protective Shark Egg Cases. Biomacromolecules. 23:2878-2890.
Goh R, Danielsen SPO, Schaible E, McMeeking RM, J. Waite H.  2021.  Nanolatticed Architecture Mitigates Damage in Shark Egg Cases. Nano Letters. 21:8080-8085.
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