
Found 210 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Torres AYurani, Nano M, Campanale JP, Deak S, Montell DJ.  2023.  Activated Src kinase promotes cell cannibalism in Drosophila. Journal of Cell Biology. 222:e202302076.
Nano M, Mondo JA, Harwood J, Balasanyan V, Montell DJ.  2023.  Cell survival following direct executioner-caspase activation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 120:e2216531120.
Pellegrini H, Sharpe EH, Liu G, Nishiuchi E, Doerr N, Kipp KR, Chin T, Schimmel MF, Weimbs T.  2023.  Cleavage fragments of the C-terminal tail of polycystin-1 are regulated by oxidative stress and induce mitochondrial dysfunction. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 299:105158.
Palmquist NC, Kearns JA, Gee S, Juan A, Gandrothula S, Lam M, Denbaars SP, Nakamura S.  2023.  Demonstration of III-nitride vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with a topside dielectric curved mirror. Applied Physics Express. 17:016504.
Mays KC, Haiman JH, Janušonis S.  2023.  An experimental platform for stochastic analyses of single serotonergic fibers in the mouse brain. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 17
Seppälä S, Gierke T, Schauer EE, Brown JL, O'Malley MA.  2023.  Identification and expression of small multidrug resistance (SMR) transporters in early-branching anaerobic fungi. Protein Science. n/a:e4730.
Palmquist NC, Anderson R, Kearns JA, Back J, Trageser E, Gee S, Denbaars SP, Nakamura S.  2023.  Long-Cavity M-Plane GaN-Based Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers with a Topside Monolithic Curved Mirror. Photonics. 10:646.
Shlosberg Y, Faynus MA, Huang A, Carlini AS, Clegg DO, Kaner RB.  2023.  Mammalian Fuel Cells Produce Electric Current. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 15:34992-35000.
Lin Y, Fichou Y, Rauch JN, Zhang X, Kosik KS, Han S.  2023.  Mapping Phase Diagram of Tau-RNA LLPS Under Live Cell Coculturing Conditions. Protein Aggregation: Methods and Protocols. :269–284.
Chowdhury R, Wan J, Gardier R, Rafael-Patino J, Thiran J-P, Gibou F, Mukherjee A.  2023.  Molecular Imaging with Aquaporin-Based Reporter Genes: Quantitative Considerations from Monte Carlo Diffusion Simulations. ACS Synthetic Biology. 12:3041-3049.
Chow YChao, Tak T, Wu F, Ewing J, Nakamura S, Denbaars SP, Wu Y-R, Weisbuch C, Speck JS.  2023.  Origins of the high-energy electroluminescence peaks in long-wavelength (∼495–685 nm) InGaN light-emitting diodes. Applied Physics Letters. 123:091103.
Temprano-Coleto F, Smith SM, Peaudecerf FJ, Landel JR, Gibou F, Luzzatto-Fegiz P.  2023.  A single parameter can predict surfactant impairment of superhydrophobic drag reduction.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 120(3):e2211092120.
Lemma LM, Varghese M, Ross TD, Thomson M, Baskaran A, Dogic Z.  2023.  Spatio-temporal patterning of extensile active stresses in microtubule-based active fluids. PNAS Nexus. 2:pgad130.
Paight C, Hunter ESage, Lane CE.  2022.  Codependence of individuals in the Nephromyces species swarm requires heterospecific bacterial endosymbionts. Current Biology. 32:2948-2955.e4.
Fisher WS, Tchounwou C, Wei S, Roberts L, Ewert KK, Safinya CR.  2022.  Exosomes are secreted at similar densities by M21 and PC3 human cancer cells and show paclitaxel solubility. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes. 1864:183841.
Ewe CKiang, Sommermann EM, Kenchel J, Flowers SE, Maduro MF, Joshi PM, Rothman JH.  2022.  Feedforward regulatory logic controls the specification-to-differentiation transition and terminal cell fate during Caenorhabditis elegans endoderm development. Development. 149
Yoo JI, Navaratna TA, Kolence P, O’Malley MA.  2022.  GPCR-FEX: A Fluoride-Based Selection System for Rapid GPCR Screening and Engineering. ACS Synthetic Biology. 11:39-45.
Hingorani M, Viviani AML, Sanfilippo JE, Janušonis S.  2022.  High-resolution spatiotemporal analysis of single serotonergic axons in an in vitro system. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 16
Kim AA, Nguyen A, Marchetti M, Du XX, Montell DJ, Pruitt BL, O'Brien LErin.  2022.  Independently paced Ca2+ oscillations in progenitor and differentiated cells in an ex vivo epithelial organ. Journal of Cell Science. 135
Faynus MA, Bailey JK, Pennington BO, Katsura M, Proctor DA, Yeh AK, Menon S, Choi DG, Lebkowski JS, Johnson LV et al..  2022.  Microcarrier-Based Culture of Human Pluripotent Stem-Cell-Derived Retinal Pigmented Epithelium. Bioengineering. 9:297.
Goh R, Yoshida E, Schaible E, Behrens R, Monnier CA, Killingsworth B, Kong KWhye, Hiew SHui, Miserez A, Hoon S et al..  2022.  Nanolattice-Forming Hybrid Collagens in Protective Shark Egg Cases. Biomacromolecules. 23:2878-2890.
