
Found 210 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Dai W, Peterson A, Kenney T, Burrous H, Montell DJ.  2017.  Quantitative microscopy of the Drosophila ovary shows multiple niche signals specify progenitor cell fate.. Nat Commun. 8(1):1244.
KEELEY PATRICKW, KIM JASONJ, LEE SAMMYCS, HAVERKAMP SILKE, REESE BENJAMINE.  2017.  Random spatial patterning of cone bipolar cell mosaics in the mouse retina. Visual Neuroscience. 34
Zhang X, Lin Y, Eschmann NA, Zhou H, Rauch JN, Hernandez I, Guzman E, Kosik KS, Han S.  2017.  RNA stores tau reversibly in complex coacervates. PLOS Biology. 15:1-28.
Eschmann NA, Georgieva ER, Ganguly P, Borbat PP, Rappaport MD, Akdogan Y, Freed JH, Shea J-E, Han S.  2017.  Signature of an aggregation-prone conformation of tau.. Sci Rep. 7:44739.
Kaminker I, Wei W, Schrader AM, Talmon Y, Valentine MT, Israelachvili JN, J. Waite H, Han S.  2017.  Simple peptide coacervates adapted for rapid pressure-sensitive wet adhesion. Soft Matter. 13:9122-9131.
Simon AJ, Walls-Smith LT, Freddi MJ, Fong FYi, Gubala V, Plaxco KW.  2017.  Simultaneous Measurement of the Dissolution Kinetics of Responsive DNA Hydrogels at Multiple Length Scales.. ACS Nano. 11(1):461-468.
Janušonis S.  2017.  Some Galeomorph Sharks Express a Mammalian Microglia-Specific Protein in Radial Ependymoglia of the Telencephalon.. Brain Behav Evol.
McNair HM, Brzezinski MA, Till CP, Krause JW.  2017.  Taxon-specific contributions to silica production in natural diatom assemblages. Limnology and Oceanography. 63:1056-1075.
Nguyen DT, Saleh OA.  2017.  Tuning phase and aging of DNA hydrogels through molecular design. Soft Matter. 13:5421-5427.
Reinig MR, Novack SW, Tao X, Ermini F, Bentolila LA, Roberts DG, MacKenzie-Graham A, Godshalk SE, Raven MA, Kubby J.  2016.  Adaptive optics microscopy enhances image quality in deep layers of CLARITY processed brains of YFP-H mice. SPIE, Clinical and Translational Neurophotonics; Neural Imaging and Sensing; and Optogenetics and Optical Manipulation. 9690
Do TD, de Almeida NEC, LaPointe NE, Chamas A, Feinstein SC, Bowers MT.  2016.  Amino Acid Metaclusters: Implications of Growth Trends on Peptide Self-Assembly and Structure.. Anal Chem. 88(1):868-76.
Do TD, LaPointe NE, Nelson R, Krotee P, Hayden EY, Ulrich B, Quan S, Feinstein SC, Teplow DB, Eisenberg D et al..  2016.  Amyloid β-Protein C-Terminal Fragments: Formation of Cylindrins and β-Barrels. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 138(2)
Mortimer M, Petersen EJ, Buchholz BA, Orias E, Holden PA.  2016.  Bioaccumulation of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes in Tetrahymena thermophila by Direct Feeding or Trophic Transfer. Environmental Science & Technology. 50:8876-8885.
Camacho KM, Menegatti S, Vogus DR, Pusuluri A, Fuchs Z, Jarvis M, Zakrewsky M, Evans MA, Chen R, Mitragotri S.  2016.  DAFODIL: A novel liposome-encapsulated synergistic combination of doxorubicin and 5FU for low dose chemotherapy. Journal of Controlled Release. 229:154-162.
Benbow SJ, Cook BM, Reifert J, Wozniak KM, Slusher BS, Littlefield BA, Wilson L, Jordan MAnn, Feinstein SC.  2016.  Effects of Paclitaxel and Eribulin in Mouse Sciatic Nerve: A Microtubule-Based Rationale for the Differential Induction of Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy. Neurotoxicity Research. 29:299–313.
Kellermann MY, Yoshinaga MY, Valentine RC, Wörmer L, Valentine DL.  2016.  Important roles for membrane lipids in haloarchaeal bioenergetics. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes. 1858:2940-2956.
Leach LL, Croze RH, Hu Q, Nadar VP, Clevenger TN, Pennington BO, Gamm DM, Clegg DO.  2016.  Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Retinal Pigmented Epithelium: A Comparative Study Between Cell Lines and Differentiation Methods. Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 32(5)
Yan H, Rengert ZD, Thomas AW, Rehermann C, Hinks J, Bazan GC.  2016.  Influence of molecular structure on the antimicrobial function of phenylenevinylene conjugated oligoelectrolytes. Chem. Sci.. 7:5714-5722.
Camacho KM, Menegatti S, Mitragotri S.  2016.  Low-molecular-weight polymer–drug conjugates for synergistic anticancer activity of camptothecin and doxorubicin combinations. Nanomedicine. 11(9)
Solomon KV, Ovadia E, Yu F, Mizunashi W, O’Malley MA.  2016.  Mitochondrial targeting increases specific activity of a heterologous valine assimilation pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Metabolic Engineering Communications. 3:68-75.
Cai D, Dai W, Prasad M, Luo J, Gov NS, Montell DJ.  2016.  Modeling and analysis of collective cell migration in an in vivo three-dimensional environment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
de Almeida NEC, Do TD, Tro M, LaPointe NE, Feinstein SC, Shea J-E, Bowers MT.  2016.  Opposing Effects of Cucurbit[7]uril and 1,2,3,4,6-Penta-O-galloyl-β-d-glucopyranose on Amyloid β25-35 Assembly.. ACS Chem Neurosci. 7(2):218-26.
Rani N, Nowakowski TJ, Zhou H, Godshalk SE, Lisi V, Kriegstein AR, Kosik KS.  2016.  A Primate IncRNA Mediates Notch Signaling during Neuronal Development by Sequestering miRNA.
Majzoub RN, Wonder E, Ewert KK, Kotamraju VRamana, Teesalu T, Safinya CR.  2016.  Rab11 and Lysotracker Markers Reveal Correlation between Endosomal Pathways and Transfection Efficiency of Surface-Functionalized Cationic Liposome–DNA Nanoparticles. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 120(26)
Chung PJ, Song C, Deek J, Miller HP, Li Y, Choi MChul, Wilson L, Feinstein SC, Safinya CR.  2016.  Tau mediates microtubule bundle architectures mimicking fascicles of microtubules found in the axon initial segment.. Nat Commun. 7:12278.
