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Kim AA, Nguyen A, Marchetti M, Du XX, Montell DJ, Pruitt BL, O'Brien LErin.  2022.  Independently paced Ca2+ oscillations in progenitor and differentiated cells in an ex vivo epithelial organ. Journal of Cell Science. 135
Kim AA, Nguyen A, Marchetti M, Montell D, Pruitt B.L, O’Brien LErin.  2021.  Independently paced calcium oscillations in progenitor and differentiated cells in an ex vivo epithelial organ. bioRxiv.
Leach LL, Croze RH, Hu Q, Nadar VP, Clevenger TN, Pennington BO, Gamm DM, Clegg DO.  2016.  Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Retinal Pigmented Epithelium: A Comparative Study Between Cell Lines and Differentiation Methods. Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 32(5)
Yan H, Rengert ZD, Thomas AW, Rehermann C, Hinks J, Bazan GC.  2016.  Influence of molecular structure on the antimicrobial function of phenylenevinylene conjugated oligoelectrolytes. Chem. Sci.. 7:5714-5722.
Larini L, Gessel MMurray, LaPointe NE, Do TD, Bowers MT, Feinstein SC, Shea J-E.  2013.  Initiation of assembly of tau (273-284) and its $Δ$K280 mutant: an experimental and computational study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 15:8916–8928.
Kassmer SH, Langenbacher AD, De Tomaso AW.  2020.  Integrin-alpha-6+ Candidate stem cells are responsible for whole body regeneration in the invertebrate chordate Botrylloides diegensis.. Nat Commun. 11(1):4435.
Limwongyut J, Liu Y, Chilambi GShankar, Seviour T, Hinks J, Mu Y, Bazan GC.  2018.  Interactions of a paracyclophane-based conjugated oligoelectrolyte with biological membranes. RSC Adv.. 8:39849-39853.
Evans MA, Huang P-J, Iwamoto Y, Ibsen K[space]N., Chan EM, Hitomi Y, Ford PC, Mitragotri S.  2018.  Macrophage-mediated delivery of light activated nitric oxide prodrugs with spatial{,} temporal and concentration control. Chem. Sci.. :-.
Shlosberg Y, Faynus MA, Huang A, Carlini AS, Clegg DO, Kaner RB.  2023.  Mammalian Fuel Cells Produce Electric Current. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 15:34992-35000.
Lin Y, Fichou Y, Rauch JN, Zhang X, Kosik KS, Han S.  2023.  Mapping Phase Diagram of Tau-RNA LLPS Under Live Cell Coculturing Conditions. Protein Aggregation: Methods and Protocols. :269–284.
Reda NJ, Morin JG, Torres E, Cohen AC, Schawaroch V, Gerrish GA.  2019.  Maristella, a new bioluminescent ostracod genus in the Myodocopida (Cypridinidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 187:1078-1118.
Zhou Y, Su JM, Samuel CE, Ma D.  2019.  Measles Virus Forms Inclusion Bodies with Properties of Liquid Organelles. Journal of Virology. 93
Giamblanco N, Fichou Y, Janot J-M, Balanzat E, Han S, Balme S.  2020.  Mechanisms of Heparin-Induced Tau Aggregation Revealed by a Single Nanopore. ACS Sensors. 5:1158-1167.
DeMartini DG, Krogstad DV, Morse DE.  2013.  Membrane invaginations facilitate reversible water flux driving tunable iridescence in a dynamic biophotonic system. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 110:2552–2556.
Sivakumar K, Wang VBochuan, Chen X, Bazan GC, Kjelleberg S, Loo SChye Joach, Cao B.  2014.  Membrane permeabilization underlies the enhancement of extracellular bioactivity in Shewanella oneidensis by a membrane-spanning conjugated oligoelectrolyte. Applied microbiology and biotechnology. 98:9021–9031.
Yan H, Catania C, Bazan GC.  2015.  Membrane-Intercalating Conjugated Oligoelectrolytes: Impact on Bioelectrochemical Systems. Advanced Materials.
Faynus MA, Bailey JK, Pennington BO, Katsura M, Proctor DA, Yeh AK, Menon S, Choi DG, Lebkowski JS, Johnson LV et al..  2022.  Microcarrier-Based Culture of Human Pluripotent Stem-Cell-Derived Retinal Pigmented Epithelium. Bioengineering. 9:297.
Brown TD, Nowak M, Bayles AV, Prabhakarpandian B, Karande P, Lahann J, Helgeson ME, Mitragotri S.  2018.  A microfluidic model of human brain (μHuB) for assessment of blood brain barrier. Bioengineering & Translational Medicine.
