
Found 210 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Chen M, Kumar S, Anselmo AC, Gupta V, Slee DH, Muraski JA, Mitragotri S.  2014.  Topical delivery of Cyclosporine A into the skin using SPACE-peptide. Journal of Controlled Release.
Chen M, Gupta V, Anselmo AC, Muraski JA, Mitragotri S.  2014.  Topical delivery of hyaluronic acid into skin using SPACE-peptide carriers. Journal of Controlled Release. 173:67–74.
Chen M, Zakrewsky M, Gupta V, Anselmo AC, Slee DH, Muraski JA, Mitragotri S.  2014.  Topical delivery of siRNA into skin using SPACE-peptide carriers. Journal of Controlled Release. 179:33–41.
Ojeda-Lopez MA, Needleman DJ, Song C, Ginsburg A, Kohl PA, Li Y, Miller HP, Wilson L, Raviv U, Choi MChul et al..  2014.  Transformation of taxol-stabilized microtubules into inverted tubulin tubules triggered by a tubulin conformation switch. Nature materials.
Li Y, Miller HP, Wilson L, Raviv U, Choi MChul, Safinya CR.  2014.  Transformation of taxol-stabilized microtubules into inverted tubulin tubules triggered by a tubulin conformation switch.
Majzoub RN, Chan C-L, Ewert KK, Silva BFB, Liang KS, Jacovetty EL, Carragher B, Potter CS, Safinya CR.  2014.  Uptake and transfection efficiency of PEGylated cationic liposome–DNA complexes with and without RGD-tagging. Biomaterials. 35:4996–5005.
Braden BP, Taketa DA, Pierce JD, Kassmer S, Lewis DD, De Tomaso AW.  2014.  Vascular Regeneration in a Basal Chordate Is Due to the Presence of Immobile, Bi-Functional Cells. PloS one. 9:e95460.
Langenbacher AD, Rodriguez D, Maio A, Tomaso AW.  2014.  Whole-mount fluorescent in situ hybridization staining of the colonial tunicate Botryllus schlosseri. genesis.
Diaz HMorales, Mejares E, Newman-Smith E, Smith WC.  2015.  ACAM, a novel member of the neural IgCAM family, mediates anterior neural tube closure in a primitive chordate. Developmental Biology.
Copp SM, Schultz DE, Swasey S, Gwinn EG.  2015.  Atomically Precise Arrays of Fluorescent Silver Clusters: A Modular Approach for Metal Cluster Photonics on DNA Nanostructures. ACS nano.
Pallaoro A, Braun GB, Moskovits M.  2015.  Biotags Based on Surface-Enhanced Raman Can Be as Bright as Fluorescence Tags. Nano Letters. 15(10)
Yu D, Feinstein SC, Valentine MT.  2015.  Effects of wild type tau and disease-linked tau mutations on microtubule organization and intracellular trafficking in COS-7 cells. Journal of Biomechanics.
M. Ramirez D, Oakley TH.  2015.  Eye-independent, light-activated chromatophore expansion (LACE) and expression of phototransduction genes in the skin of Octopus bimaculoides. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 218:1513-1520.
B Ahn K, Das S, Linstadt R, Kaufman Y, Martinez-Rodriguez NR, Mirshafian R, Kesselman E, Talmon Y, Lipshutz BH, Israelachvili JN et al..  2015.  High-performance mussel-inspired adhesives of reduced complexity. Nature communications. 6
Huang X, Hu Q, Braun GB, Pallaoro A, Morales DP, Zasadzinski J, Clegg DO, Reich NO.  2015.  Light-activated RNA interference in human embryonic stem cells. Biomaterials.
Yan H, Catania C, Bazan GC.  2015.  Membrane-Intercalating Conjugated Oligoelectrolytes: Impact on Bioelectrochemical Systems. Advanced Materials.
Seo S, Das S, Zalicki P, Mirshafian R, Eisenbach CD, Israelachvili JN, Waite JHerbert, B Ahn K.  2015.  Micro-phase behavior and enhanced wet-cohesion of synthetic copolyampholytes inspired by a mussel foot protein. Journal of the American Chemical Society.
Filippidi E, DeMartini DG, de Molina PM, Danner EW, Kim J, Helgeson ME, J Waite H, Valentine MT.  2015.  The microscopic network structure of mussel (Mytilus) adhesive plaques. J. R. Soc. Interface. 12
Kassmer SH, Rodriguez D, Langenbacher AD, Bui C, De Tomaso AW.  2015.  Migration of germline progenitor cells is directed by sphingosine-1-phosphate signalling in a basal chordate. Nature communications. 6
Taketa DA, Nydam ML, Langenbacher AD, Rodriguez D, Sanders E, De Tomaso AW.  2015.  Molecular evolution and in vitro characterization of Botryllus histocompatibility factor.. Immunogenetics.
Levy ES, Morales DP, Garcia JV, Reich N, Ford PC.  2015.  Near-IR mediated intracellular uncaging of NO from cell targeted hollow gold nanoparticles. Chemical Communications.
McNair HM, Brzezinski MA, Krause JW.  2015.  Quantifying diatom silicification with the fluorescent dye, PDMPO. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods.
Levine ZA, Larini L, LaPointe NE, Feinstein SC, Shea J-E.  2015.  Regulation and aggregation of intrinsically disordered peptides. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
DeMartini DG, Izumi M, Weaver AT, Pandolfi E, Morse DE.  2015.  Structures, Organization and Function of Reflectin Proteins in Dynamically Tunable Reflective Cells.. Journal of Biological Chemistry. :jbc–M115.
Camacho KM, Kumar S, Menegatti S, Vogus DR, Anselmo AC, Mitragotri S.  2015.  Synergistic antitumor activity of camptothecin–doxorubicin combinations and their conjugates with hyaluronic acid. Journal of Controlled Release. 210:198-207.
