Narrow equilibrium window for complex coacervation of tau and RNA under cellular conditions.

TitleNarrow equilibrium window for complex coacervation of tau and RNA under cellular conditions.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsLin Y, McCarty J, Rauch JN, Delaney KT, Kosik KS, Fredrickson GH, Shea J-E, Han S
Date Published2019 Apr 05

The mechanism that leads to liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) of the tau protein, whose pathological aggregation is implicated in neurodegenerative disorders, is not well understood. Establishing a phase diagram that delineates the boundaries of phase co-existence is key to understanding whether LLPS is an equilibrium or intermediate state. We demonstrate that tau and RNA reversibly form complex coacervates. While the equilibrium phase diagram can be fit to an analytical theory, a more advanced model is investigated through field theoretic simulations (FTS) that provided direct insight into the thermodynamic driving forces of tau LLPS. Together, experiment and simulation reveal that tau-RNA LLPS is stable within a narrow equilibrium window near physiological conditions over experimentally tunable parameters including temperature, salt and tau concentrations, and is entropy-driven. Guided by our phase diagram, we show that tau can be driven toward LLPS under live cell coculturing conditions with rationally chosen experimental parameters.

Alternate JournalElife
PubMed ID30950394
PubMed Central IDPMC6450672
Grant ListRO1AG05605 / / National Institute on Aging /
MRSEC Program, Award No. DMR 1720256 / / National Science Foundation /
Tri-Counties Blood Bank Fellowship / / Santa Barbara Foundation /
Tau Consortium / / Rainwater Foundation /
MCB-1716956 / / National Science Foundation /