UC Work Group for Adaptive Optics in Biological Imaging Funded
March 13, 2015
The UC Work Group for Adaptive Optics in Biological Imaging headed by Joel Kubby at UCSC was selected for support by Multicampus Research Program.
Campus leads:
- Berkeley: Holly L. Aaron, Manager, Molecular Imaging Center, Cancer ResearchLaboratory
- Davis: Michael Paddy, Scientific Coordinator, MCB LM Imaging Facility, Department of Molecular & Cellular Biology
- Irvine: Adeela Syed, Director, Optical Biology Core Facility
- Los Angeles: Laurent A. Bentolila, Scientific Director, The Advanced Light Microscopy/Spectroscopy Shared Facility
- Merced: Changqing Li, School of Engineering
- Riverside: David Carter, The Center for Plant Cell Biology
- Santa Barbara: Mary Raven, Microscopy Facility Director, Neuroscience Research Institute & Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology
- Santa Cruz: Benjamin Abrams, Facility Manager, UCSC Life Sciences Microscopy Center
- San Diego: Mark Ellisman, Director, National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research
- San Francisco: Kurt Thorn, Manager, Nikon Imaging Center
- LANL: Jim Werner, Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies
- LBNL: Damir Sudar, BioImaging Group, Deputy for Technology Life Sciences Division
- LLNL: Ted Laurence, Staff Scientist, Condensed Matter and Materials Division, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory