
Found 210 results
Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Journal Article
Leggieri PA, Kerdman-Andrade C, Lankiewicz TS, Valentine MT, O'Malley MA.  2021.  Non-destructive quantification of anaerobic gut fungi and methanogens in co-culture reveals increased fungal growth rate and changes in metabolic flux relative to mono-culture.. Microb Cell Fact. 20(1):199.
Kwon Y, Bernstein JH, Cohen N, Valentine MT.  2021.  On-Demand Manufacturing Capabilities of Mussels Enable Robust Adhesion to Geometrically Complex Surfaces. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering. 7:5099-5106.
de Almeida NEC, Do TD, Tro M, LaPointe NE, Feinstein SC, Shea J-E, Bowers MT.  2016.  Opposing Effects of Cucurbit[7]uril and 1,2,3,4,6-Penta-O-galloyl-β-d-glucopyranose on Amyloid β25-35 Assembly.. ACS Chem Neurosci. 7(2):218-26.
Chow YChao, Tak T, Wu F, Ewing J, Nakamura S, Denbaars SP, Wu Y-R, Weisbuch C, Speck JS.  2023.  Origins of the high-energy electroluminescence peaks in long-wavelength (∼495–685 nm) InGaN light-emitting diodes. Applied Physics Letters. 123:091103.
Zhang L, Liu W, Szumlinski KK, Lew J.  2012.  p10, the N-terminal domain of p35, protects against CDK5/p25-induced neurotoxicity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 109:20041–20046.
Kourakis MJ, Borba C, Zhang A, Newman-Smith E, Salas P, Manjunath B, Smith WC.  2019.  Parallel visual circuitry in a basal chordate.. Elife. 8
Barua S, Yoo J-W, Kolhar P, Wakankar A, Gokarn YR, Mitragotri S.  2013.  Particle shape enhances specificity of antibody-displaying nanoparticles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 110:3270–3275.
Silva BFB, Majzoub RN, Chan C-L, Li Y, Olsson U, Safinya CR.  2014.  PEGylated cationic liposome–DNA complexation in brine is pathway-dependent. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes. 1838:398–412.
Steffes VM, Zhang Z, MacDonald S, Crowe J, Ewert KK, Carragher B, Potter CS, Safinya CR.  2020.  PEGylation of Paclitaxel-Loaded Cationic Liposomes Drives Steric Stabilization of Bicelles and Vesicles thereby Enhancing Delivery and Cytotoxicity to Human Cancer Cells. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 12:151-162.
Wozniak KM, Vornov JJ, Wu Y, Liu Y, Carozzi VA, Rodriguez-Menendez V, Ballarini E, Alberti P, Pozzi E, Semperboni S et al..  2018.  Peripheral Neuropathy Induced by Microtubule-Targeted Chemotherapies: Insights into Acute Injury and Long-term Recovery. Cancer Research. 78:817–829.
Gupta V, Hwang BHee, Doshi N, Mitragotri S.  2013.  A permeation enhancer for increasing transport of therapeutic macromolecules across the intestine. Journal of Controlled Release. 172:541–549.
Kennard RM, Dahlman CJ, Nakayama H, DeCrescent RA, Schuller JA, Seshadri R, Mukherjee K, Chabinyc ML.  2019.  Phase Stability and Diffusion in Lateral Heterostructures of Methyl Ammonium Lead Halide Perovskites.. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 11(28):25313-25321.
Riedman LAnne, Porter SM, Czaja AD.  2021.  Phosphatic scales in vase-shaped microfossil assemblages from Death Valley, Grand Canyon, Tasmania, and Svalbard. Geobiology. n/a
Peniston JH, Ellis EA, Churchill CKC, M Ramirez D, Oakley TH.  2019.  Phylogenetic position of Alternochelata lizardensis Kornicker, 1982 within Rutidermatidae (Ostracoda: Myodocopida), with an investigation into its green coloration. Journal of Crustacean Biology.
Anselmo AC, Modery-Pawlowski CLynn, Menegatti S, Kumar S, Vogus DR, Tian LL, Chen M, Squires TM, Gupta ASen, Mitragotri S.  2014.  Platelet-like Nanoparticles (PLNs): Engineering Shape, Flexibility and Surface Chemistry of Nanocarriers to Target Vascular Injuries. ACS nano.
Kolhar P, Mitragotri S.  2012.  Polymer Microparticles Exhibit Size and Shape Dependent Accumulation around the Nucleus after Endocytosis. Advanced Functional Materials. 22:3759–3764.
Yang Y, Lin J, Meschewski R, Watson E, Valentine MT.  2011.  Portable magnetic tweezers device enables visualization of the three-dimensional microscale deformation of soft biological materials. BioTechniques. 50
Longhini AP, DuBose A, Lobo S, Vijayan V, Bai Y, Rivera EKeane, Sala-Jarque J, Nikitina A, Carrettiero DC, Unger MT et al..  2024.  Precision proteoform design for 4R tau isoform selective templated aggregation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 121:e2320456121.
Kassmer SH, Langenbacher A, De Tomaso AW.  2019.  Primordial Blasts, a population of blood borne stem cells responsible for whole body regeneration in a basal chordate. bioRxiv.
Agemy L, Kotamraju VR, Friedmann-Morvinski D, Sharma S, Sugahara KN, Ruoslahti E.  2013.  Proapoptotic peptide-mediated cancer therapy targeted to cell surface p32. Molecular Therapy. 21:2195–2204.
McNair HM, Brzezinski MA, Krause JW.  2015.  Quantifying diatom silicification with the fluorescent dye, PDMPO. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods.
Dai W, Peterson A, Kenney T, Burrous H, Montell DJ.  2017.  Quantitative microscopy of the Drosophila ovary shows multiple niche signals specify progenitor cell fate.. Nat Commun. 8(1):1244.
Majzoub RN, Wonder E, Ewert KK, Kotamraju VRamana, Teesalu T, Safinya CR.  2016.  Rab11 and Lysotracker Markers Reveal Correlation between Endosomal Pathways and Transfection Efficiency of Surface-Functionalized Cationic Liposome–DNA Nanoparticles. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 120(26)
KEELEY PATRICKW, KIM JASONJ, LEE SAMMYCS, HAVERKAMP SILKE, REESE BENJAMINE.  2017.  Random spatial patterning of cone bipolar cell mosaics in the mouse retina. Visual Neuroscience. 34
Kaytanli B, Khankhel AH, Cohen N, Valentine MT.  2020.  Rapid analysis of cell-generated forces within a multicellular aggregate using microsphere-based traction force microscopy. Soft Matter. 16:4192-4199.
